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ID : 537

Motion Statements

Motion statements refer to statements to change motion-related parameters.

The next statement is not immediately executed during a motion instruction, until issuance of the next instruction. If pass start displacement is designated, it is executed at the time designated by pass start displacement.

Statement name Function
Speed To change the internal speed.
Accel To specify the internal acceleration and internal deceleration.
Decel To specify the internal deceleration.
ChangeWork To change the current work coordinates.
ChangeTool To change the current tool coordinates.
Tool To set a tool coordinate value.
Work To set work coordinates.
CurLmt To configure the current limiting function and True/False. Waiting for the robot to stop when the funcition is Off.
Eralw To configure the deviation tolerance function and True/False.
GrvCtrl To operate True/False of gravity compensation control function.
Interrupt To skip a motion instruction in the Interrupt block when the I/O interrupt skip signal is On, or to interrupt and skip the motion if the robot is in motion.
TakeArm Keep=0 To acquire axis control. TakeArm Keep=1 does not wait for execution.

Even when execution of the next statement is attempted in the was of a motion instruction, it is suspended until the command position reaches to the target position.

Statement name Function
Payload To change setting value of internal load condition.
SpeedMode To change the optimal speed setting function.
GiveArm To expressly release control of the currently-acquired arm group.

Even when execution of the next statement is attempted in the way of a motion instruction, it is suspended until the encoder value reaches to the target position.

Statement name Function
GrvOffset To operate True/False of gravity offset setting function.
ZForce To specify the thrust force for current limiting function of the third axis (Z axis) in H Series Robot.

ID : 537

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