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ID : 1593


A PacScript program can concurrently execute progress management of multiple programs. Each program forms its own motion process and this is called a task.

Concurrent progress management of multiple programs means that there are multiple tasks present. This is called multitasking.


To run a task using the RUN command, designate a priority. As a result all tasks have their own priority.DENSO robot checks task priority at fixed time intervals during program execution, and changes tasks so that the tasks in the waiting status with the highest priority are the most frequently executed. As a result, the higher-priority program receives more execution time.
If tasks have the same priority, the robot controls the tasks so that the task execution order alternates at each fixed time interval. Since the alternating task execution requires such a short time to be controlled it appears as if multiple programs are executed concurrently.

Exclusive control

To perform exclusive control among tasks during multitasking, use Mutex object.
For more details, refer to "Mutex object".


ID : 1593

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