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ID : 1768

Displaying Auxiliary Functions Menu (I/O)

Operation path : [F4 I/O] - [F6 Aux]

Display auxiliary functions menu for I/O.
Press [F6 Aux] to display the following [Auxiliary Functions - I/O] window.

Available function keys
[F1 I/O Information] Display I/O information.
[F2 I/O Lock]

Set the range to regulate I/O output.
[System message] window will be displayed. Select item in the window, and press [OK] to set it.
The settable items are "Enable All", "Disable General OUT", "Disable System OUT", and "Disable All".
For details, refer to the "I/O Lock" of FUNCTION GUIDE.

[F4 Field Bus parameter] Set a field bus parameter.
[F5 I/O Parameters] Set I/O parameters.


ID : 1768

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