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ID : 5124



To convert a relative path into an absolute path.


RealPath(file path)

Guaranteed Entry

File path
Specifies a file path by string type data.

Return Value

Returns an absolute path by string type data.


Converts a relative path which uses ".." or "." to an absolute path. The root of the absolute path is Source File folder.
Two or more delimiter are converted to one delimiter if multiple delimiter exist in the file path.


Related Terms

About File Path,  #Include


  • This does not check whether the designated file or folder exists.
  • Even if a folder locating upper than the route is designated, the folder is converted to the absolute path from the root.


Example 1: Normalization when creating an absolute path from a relative path.

As a result of the execution, S0 is converted to "\aaa\pro1".

Sub Main

	S0 = "\aaa\bbb\ccc\
	'\Convert the absolute path that includes relative path to the description that consists of 
absolute path only
	S0 = RealPath(S0 & "\..\..\pro1") 

End Sub

Example 2: Activate Pro2 on the current path

If the program below is "\aaa\bbb\pro1.pcs", the result of RealPath will be "\aaa\bbb\pro2".

Sub Main

	RunByName RealPath(__PATH__ & ".\pro2")

End Sub

ID : 5124

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