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ID : 1409

External Emergency Stop (input)


This signal allows the external device to emergency-stop the robot.

Terminal Number

Controller type Terminal number
External Emergency Stop 1 #2 and #36 on Mini I/O connector
External Emergency Stop 2 #3 and #37 on Mini I/O connector

Input Conditions and Operation

  1. Turning (opening) this signal OFF emergency-stops the robot.
    • The OFF signal turns the motor power OFF irrespective of whether the robot is in Manual, Internal auto, or External auto mode. .
    • During execution of programs (Robot Running signal ON), the OFF signal turns the motor power OFF and places the robot in internal mode after decelerating the robot to a stop. It also resets programs so as not to execute the subsequent and the following steps.
      In the default setting, the program is reset and cannot continue from the next step. However this setting can be changed to the continue stop. Doing so, go to [F1 Program][F6 Aux][F1 Program settings] then change the program status of the emergency stop.
    • When the program is stopped in Manual or Auto mode, the OFF signal produces nothing except it turns the power to the motor OFF. .
  2. This signal must be turned ON (shorted) in order to turn the motor power ON and run the robot in Manual or Auto mode.
  3. Opening the External Emergency Stop input is functionally equivalent to pressing the emergency stop button on the teach pendant or mini-pendant.

Input Timing

This input signal will be processed prior to all commands and input signals.

  1. The different status between two emergency stop circuits, if kept for at least approx. 0.5 second, will be interpreted as an occurrence of trouble, triggering an error "279E: Inconsistent robot stop input" and shutting down the motor power.
  2. The global type of controller should control two external emergency stop inputs with separate contacts. Two circuits connected in parallel with a single contact or either one circuit always short-circuited will be interpreted as an external circuit error, producing no circuit operation.
  3. Considering the order of recovery from the stops, such as the Emergency Stop, Protective Stop and the stop caused by the Enable Auto, is unnecessary. To recover from the Emergency Stop, open the two junctions on the External Emergency Stop lines, and then close them.

ID : 1409

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