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ID : 1410

Enable Auto(input)


  1. Turning this signal ON (shorting) enables switching to Auto mode. (Dual line)
  2. If the enable auto is released during Auto mode, motor turns OFF(continue stop) then issues an error. The mode turns to the manual mode.

Terminal Number

Signal name Terminal number
Enable Auto input 1 #1 and #35 on Mini I/O connecter
Enable Auto input 2

#31 and #65 on Mini I/O connecter

Input Conditions and Operation

  1. As shown below, the selectable operation mode depends on whether this input is shorted or open.
  2. Turning this signal OFF (open) during automatic operation turns the motor power OFF (Continue stop) and displays ERROR.
  3. With this signal being opened, turning the mode selector switch on the teach pendant or mini-pendant from the MANUAL or TEACH CHECK to AUTO position triggers ERROR. Since this state is shown as U in the table below, this error will remain displayed until the robot exits this state.
  4. The short-circuit the enable auto during the manual mode or teach mode, an error is displayed.

Relationship Between Enable Auto Input and Selectable Mode

Operation mode


Enable Auto

ON (shorted) OFF (open)
Manual mode Manual operation with the teach pendant or mini-pendant. C A
Teach check mode Program check with the teach pendant or mini-pendant. C A
Internal auto mode Automatic operation with the teach pendant or mini-pendant. A U
External auto mode Automatic operation with the external device. A U

A = Mode selectable U= Mode not selectable

C = Mode selectable but manual operation program not executable

In the pendantless state, Auto mode is valid even if the Enable Auto input is open.(Program startup is not available. Motor ON is not available)

Perform the following when operating the robot in the pendantless state:

  1. Set the robot so that it will not start to operate when the Enable Auto input is open.
  2. Enable Auto input open state and Auto Mode output set the equipment to make an emergency stop in an AND state.

Considering the order of recovery from the stops, such as the Emergency Stop, Protective Stop and the stop caused by the Enable Auto, is unnecessary. To recover from the Enable Auto, open the two junctions on the Enable Auto lines, and then close them.

ID : 1410

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