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ID : 5512

I/O Allocation

I/O port range allocated to the PROFINET IO device is;
Input: 512-767, 4096-7871, 11648-15807
Output: 768-1023, 7872-11647, 19904-24063

For other port numbers, refer to I/O Port Map and Allocation.

For available allocations, see "Combination of I/O Extension Boards and Allocation Mode".

Standard allocation Input Data
Output Data
RC3 Compatible allocation Input Data
Output Data

I/O Port Number corresponding to Input module and Output module

The range of available I/O port number varies depending on the input module and output module settings.

I/O port numbers corresponding to each module are assigned as described in the figure below. From the lowest number of the input port or output port, eight times of the module's byte count are assigned.


ID : 5512

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