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ID : 3540

Data Types

Data types that can be processed in PacScript are described below.

Numeric Data

Integer Type
Integer from -2147483648 to +2147483647. An integer is 4-byte data.
Single Precision Real Number Type
Single precision real number of 7-digit significant figure accuracy.
Double Precision Real Number Type
Single precision real number of 15-digit significant figure accuracy.

Position Data

Position Type
Data type expressing robot's teaching position. This data type is expressed by three-dimensional space coordinates, a rotation angle of each coordinate and FIG elements representing robot figures. The number of elements is 7.
Joint Type
Data type expressing robot's teaching position. Angle of each robot axis is an element. The number of elements is 8 and each axis number is used as an element. Joint type data are always used with 8 elements even in a 4-axis robot, etc.
Homogeneous Translation Type
Data type expressing robot's teaching position. This data type is expressed by three-dimensional space coordinates, a rotation angle and FIG elements representing robot figures. A rotation angle is expressed by each coordinate element of orient vector and approach vector. The number of elements is 10.
Vector Type
Data type expressing three-dimensional space vector. The number of elements is 3 (X, Y, and Z).

String Data

String Type
String data.

Other Data

I/O Type
Data representing ON/OFF. Used in association with an I/O port of the I/O interface.
Variant type
Variant type can store a variety of data whose data type is not specified.
This is used when declaring a data whose data type is not specified beforehand.
You need to pay special attention when using this variable type, because the data can be any type.

ID : 3540

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