ID : 3540
Data Types
Data types that can be processed in PacScript are described below.
Numeric Data
- Integer Type
- Integer from -2147483648 to +2147483647. An integer is 4-byte data.
- Single Precision Real Number Type
- Single precision real number of 7-digit significant figure accuracy.
- Double Precision Real Number Type
- Single precision real number of 15-digit significant figure accuracy.
Position Data
- Position Type
- Data type expressing robot's teaching position. This data type is expressed by three-dimensional space coordinates, a rotation angle of each coordinate and FIG elements representing robot figures. The number of elements is 7.
- Joint Type
- Data type expressing robot's teaching position. Angle of each robot axis is an element. The number of elements is 8 and each axis number is used as an element. Joint type data are always used with 8 elements even in a 4-axis robot, etc.
- Homogeneous Translation Type
- Data type expressing robot's teaching position. This data type is expressed by three-dimensional space coordinates, a rotation angle and FIG elements representing robot figures. A rotation angle is expressed by each coordinate element of orient vector and approach vector. The number of elements is 10.
- Vector Type
- Data type expressing three-dimensional space vector. The number of elements is 3 (X, Y, and Z).
String Data
- String Type
- String data.
Other Data
- I/O Type
- Data representing ON/OFF. Used in association with an I/O port of the I/O interface.
- Variant type
- Variant type can store a variety of data whose data type is not specified.
This is used when declaring a data whose data type is not specified beforehand.
You need to pay special attention when using this variable type, because the data can be any type.
ID : 3540
- Related Information
- Integer Type
- Single Precision Real Number Type
- Double Precision Real Number Type
- I/O Type
- Position Type
- Joint Type
- Homogeneous Translation Type
- Vector Type
- String Type
- Variant Type
- Automatic Data Type Conversion (Casting)
- Type Conversion of Numeric Data
- Converting Position Data into Position Data of Different Type
- Conversion of String Type Data and Other Data Types
- Data Type Priority in Dyadic Operation
- Rounding to the Nearest Even Number