ID : 3563
Error Processing Routine
If an error level 1 occurs within the task, the system can jump into an error processing routine without generating an error.
"Error processing routine" refers to a set of processes executed when an error level 1 occurs within a procedure.
Always attach a label to an error processing routine.
Within the error processing routine, an error that occurred in the "Err object" is stored and properties of the error can be obtained.
Sub ErrTest()
On Error GoTo RecoverErr
Dim aaa As Position
Dim bbb As Joint
Dim ccc As String
aaa = P(1000000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1) 'A position out of the motion space
bbb = P2J(aaa)
'Other Statements
Exit Sub
RecoverErr: 'Error processing routine
bbb = CurJnt
ccc = "&h" & Hex(Err.Number) & ":" & Err.Description
PrintMsg "Not put into the variable bbb. CurJnt is put temporarily." & Chr(13) & ccc
Resume Next
End Sub
Related Items
Err.Number, Err.Description, On Error, Resume, Example Error Processing
ID : 3563