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ID : 5242

Entering Program Codes

In this step, you will create a program to move from P1 to P2. Enter the program codes listed in the table below.

Program name PRO1.pcs

'!TITLE“Pro1.pcs”'Program title
Sub Main 'Declare main procedure
    TakeArm Keep = 0 'Obtain arm semaphore
    Speed 100 'Set the internal speed at 100%
    Move P, P1 'Move to P1 position under PTP control
    Move P, P2 'Move to P2 position under PTP control
    GiveArm 'Release arm semaphore
End Sub 'End of program
  • In order to run the program written above, Position Variables (P1 and P2) shall be taught beforehand.
    Regarding to the procedure of Teaching, refer to Teaching to Position Variables.
  • Command input support function is available for some commands. This function makes programming easy.
    For details, please refer to "Command Input Supporting Function" in FUNCTION GUIDE.

Move the cursor to the 5th line on the program edit window by using Up/Down key or jog dial.


Press [F5 Edit].

Keyboard appears.


Enter [SPEED 100] from the keyboard then press [OK].


The program edit window "Pro1.pcs" is displayed and "SPEED 100" is displayed in the 5th line.


Enter all of the program codes given on the top of this page in the same way used to enter "SPEED 100".

To add a new line, press [F1 CreateNew].


After completing entry of all codes, press [F6 Save & CheckSyntax].


Select whether to continue editing after saving the data.
Save and continue editing ---- Go to the program edit window
Save and close(Without syntax error) ----Move to the program list window
In this example, select "Save and close(Without syntax errror)" then press [OK].
If an error is detected, syntax error window appears.

(When the program is saved successfully, an asterisk at the end of program name will be erased.)


The display will return to the Program List window.

To execute the syntax check in program list, press [SHIFT] + [F12 Check Syntax]

ID : 5242

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