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ID : 3568

Next Option

"Next option" is an option that allows to go on to the next line when designated motion starts.

If the following command is a non-motion command, the non-motion command can be executed simultaneously with the robot motion of the current command.

If the following command is not a non-motion command (motion command, motion-related command), the program suspends the following command until it becomes executable.


Turning on an I/O Simultaneously with a Motion Starts

In this example, an I/O turns on when a designated motion starts.

Move P, P0, Next 'Because of the Next option, the program goes on to the next line when the motion starts.
Set IO240 'Turn on io240.

Turning on an I/O When the Motion Ratio Reaches 50%

By adding an Arrive command immediate after a motion command having Next option, the execution timing of the next motion command can be specified.

Move P, P0, Next 'Because of the Next option, the program goes on to the next line when the motion starts.
Arrive 50 'Wait until the motion ratio reaches 50%
Set IO240 'Turn on io240.

ID : 3568

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