ID : 3572
Area Option
The following area options are set by Area command.
Detection Period Option
Designate the interval(period) of detection.
- The detection period is reference information. Actual detection period can vary widely depending on the number of designated area or states of other tasks.
- If the detection period being set is too short, the detection result may not follow your expectations because of the task change interval.
In this case, give the priority to the task which executes Area command. (See "SetPriority")
[, Tar_Time(Detection period)]
Guaranteed Entry
- Detection period
- Select detection period from 8ms, 16ms and 32ms and designate by integer type. If you designate other than above, an error occurs during execution.
Number of effective area varies depending on the detection period. For details, refer to FUCTION GUIDE "Making the Defined Interference Check Areas Active or Inactive".
Figure Option
Designate the figure and gaps to detect.
[, Tar_Posture(Figure, Error range)]
Guaranteed Entry
- Figure
- Designate the figure to detect by vector type or position type data. If vector type data is used, designate Rx, Ry and Rz. If position type data is used, which consists of seven elements (element 1 to element 7), enter Rx, Ry and Rz to element 1, element 2 and element 3, respectively.
To use Figure elements (Rx, Ry, Rz) of P-type variable (X, Y, Z, Rx, Ry, Rz, Fig), specify as follows.
If figure elements (Rx,Ry,Rz) of P0 is used
Tar_Posture( RVec(P0), 1.0 - Error range
- Designate tolerable error range (angle) by single precision real number type of positive number. The unit is "deg". When "-1" is entered, figure is not checked.
Area 1, P0, V0, 128, 2, 0, Tar_Time( 2 ), Tar_Posture( V0, 1.0 )
ID : 3572