ID : 3755
Function...End Function
To declare the Function procedure.
Function procedure name(argument) As data type 'Statements End Function
Guaranteed Entry
- Procedure name
- Designate a procedure name. Each name must be specified in accordance with the Naming convention.
- Argument
- Declare an argument of the procedure. Designate a name based on Naming convention. More than one variable can be designated by separating each by a comma. You can also create a Function procedure with no argument.
- Data type
- Designate a data type of the return value of the function to declare.
The Function procedure is declared.
Related Terms
'!TITLE "Calling Function"
' Call the FucnProc function and assign the calculation result to aaa
Sub Sample_FuctionEndFunction
Dim aaa As Integer
aaa = 10
' Display aaa on the message output window
PrintDbg aaa
aaa = FuncProc( aaa )
' Display the result of FuncProc function on the message output window
PrintDbg aaa
End Sub
Function FuncProc( bbb As Integer ) As Integer
Dim ccc As Integer
ccc = 10
' Assign the calculation result 100 as a return value
FuncProc = bbb * ccc
End Function
ID : 3755