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ID : 3895


Commands Functions
CurHandEyePos Returns the current hand eye position.
HandEyeConvPos Corrects the robot position of an object obtained using EVP to the robot position of the hand eye and returns the corrected robot position.
HandEyeInitPos The robot initial posture which has been set for EVP at the shipment is returned.
HandEyePos2RobotPos Returns the robot position for moving the hand eye to a specified position.
PickingAdjustmentConvPos Adjust a robot position and return it by using Picking Adjustment Data.
Vis.CalTrans To calibrate visual coordinates and robot coordinates.
Vis.GetCalData To return a transformation matrix of a designated Cal number.
Vis.GetCalPos To return a calibration teaching position of a designated Cal number.
Vis.SetCalData To set transformation matrix of a designated CAL number.
Vis.Trans To convert visual coordinates into robot coordinates (X, Y, and Z).

ID : 3895

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