Commands | Functions |
Abs | To return an absolute value. |
Accel | To change the internal acceleration and internal deceleration. |
Acos | To return arccosine. |
AddHandler | Enter a method to receive an event from the specified provider object. Once an event is issued by the provider, the entered method is called. |
AddPathPoint | To add a path point to the path data. |
And Operator | To obtain logical AND of 2 expressions. |
Approach | To move to an approach position apart from the reference position by a specified distance. |
ArchMove | To perform an arch motion. |
Area | To change the detection area setting value. |
AreaPos | To return the center of detection area by position type data. |
AreaSize | To return the size (length of each side) of a detection area by vector type. |
Array | To create variant type array. |
Arrive | To let the task stand-by until the motion complete rate specified by the currently-active motion instruction is reached. |
Asc | To return a character code of the first character in the designated string by integer type data. |
Asin | To return arcsine. |
Atn | To return arctangent. |
Atn2 | To return arctangent obtained by subtracting x from y. |
AutoCal | To execute CALSET automatically at the startup. |
AVec | To return approach vector. |
Commands | Functions |
Call | To call and execute a procedure. |
CallByName | To call a Procedure and execute it. Unlike Call command, you can use a formula for procedure name. |
Cao.AddController | Create a provider. |
Cao.Controllers | Look up the control object (collection) being controlled. |
Cao.Index | Look up the provider number. |
Cao.Name | Obtain a provider name. |
ChangeTool | To change the current tool coordinates. |
ChangeWork | To change the current work coordinates. |
CheckVirtualFence | Check the collision status between robot and equipment at the target position when VirtualFence is enabled. |
Chr | To return characters corresponding to the designated character code. |
ClearAccelometer | To reset the cumulative sum of acceleration (including over the predetermined threshold value only) that has been applied to COBOTTA (hereafter, acceleration over the threshold value) to zero. |
ClearAreaDetected | Clear the currently retaining area detection information. |
ClearDiagnosisState | To set the diagnosis status (for all axes) of diagnosis function to "Non-enforce". |
ClrErr | To cancel an error. |
ClrPathPoint | To clear the whole path points at the designated path. |
Comm.Clear | To clear the data communication reception buffer. |
Comm.Close | To close the line designated for data communication. |
Comm.Count | To return the number of data bytes readable from reception buffer of the data communication function. |
Comm.Input | To receive data by the data communication function. |
Comm.Open | To open the line for data communication. |
Comm.Output | To transmit data by the data communication function. |
Comm.State | To return the port status of the data communication function. |
ContinueAll | To perform continue start. |
ConvertPosBase | Convert a given position type data on the currently selected base definition into the one on the different base definition. |
ConvertPosTool | Convert a given position type data on the currently selected tool coordinate system into the one on the different tool coordinate system and then return the result. |
ConvertPosWork | Convert a given position type data on the currently selected work coordinate system into the one on the different work coordinate system and then return the result. |
Cos | To return cosine. |
CPMode | Change CP interpolation mode setting. |
CreateArray | Create a single dimensional array of Variant type data with arbitrary Internal Processing Format. |
CreateMultiArray | Create Variant type arrays with arbitrary Internal processing format. Up to three-dimensional arrays can be created. |
CreateMutex | To request the creation of Mutex object and acquire the ID of Mutex object. |
Cross | To return an outer product calculation result of vector type data. |
CrtMotionAllow | Change the stop positional precision and postural precision settings of Move@c command. |
CurAcc | To return an internal acceleration setting value. |
CurCPMode | Obtain the setting value of the CP interpolation mode. |
CurDec | To return an internal deceleration setting value. |
CurErr | To return an error code of the currently active controller error. |
CurExJ | To return the current angle of specified axis. |
CurExtAcc | To return the current setting value of external acceleration. |
CurExtDec | To return the current setting value of external deceleration. |
CurExtSpd | To return the current setting value of external speed. |
CurFig | To return the current robot figure (FIG) value. |
CurHandEyePos | Returns the current hand eye position. |
CurJnt | To return the current angles of all axes by joint type data. |
CurLmt | Configure the current limiting function and True/False. |
CurPathPoint | Returns the most recently passed path point number. |
CurPayload | Obtain setting values of the internal payload conditions. |
CurPos | To return the current position of the robot by position type data. |
CurSpd | To return an internal speed setting value. |
CurSpeedMode | Obtain the setting value of the Optimal Speed Control Function. |
CurTool | To return the current tool coordinate number. |
CurTrn | To return the current position of the robot by homogeneous translation type data. |
CurWork | To return the current work coordinate number. |
Commands | Functions |
Date | To return the current date. |
Decel | To specify the internal deceleration. |
DefIO | To declare a local variable of I/O type. |
DegRad | To convert a value in angle unit of [Degree] into radian. |
Delay | To let the own task stand-by for the specified time. |
DeleteMutex | To request the deletion of Mutex object. |
Depart | To move from the current position in direction toward the tool's -Z coordinate. |
DestJnt | To return the current motion statement target position by joint type data. |
DestPos | To return the current motion statement target position by position type data. |
DestTrn | To return the current motion statement target position by homogeneous translation type data. |
Dev | To return a deviation calculation result of position type data. |
DevH | To return a deviation calculation result with the the reference position coordinate system of position type data. |
DiagnosisMove | To execute diagnosis motion. |
Dim | To declare a local variable. |
Dist | To return a distance between 2 points. |
Do...Loop | To repeatedly execute a set of statements while a designated condition is True or until the condition becomes True. |
Dot | To return an inner product calculation result of vector type data. |
Double | To present Double Precision Real Number Type data. |
Dps | Convert the rotation speed (deg/s) of the designated axial number to the ratio (%) relative to the maximum internal speed in PTP motion. |
Draw | To move from the current position to a relative position. |
Drive | To move each axis to a relative position. |
DriveA | To move each axis to an absolute position. |
Commands | Functions |
EncMotionAllow | With Move @E, to change the "Allowable angle in stop state" of each axis for robot axis used for stop judgement. |
EncMotionAllowJnt | With Move @E, to change the "Allowable angle in stop state" of the axis for other than robots' axis used for stop judgement. |
ErAlw | Set the value of deviation tolerance. Switch the status of the deviation tolerance function True/False. |
Err.Description | This property contains an error message. |
Err.Level | This property contains an error level of task error. |
Err.Number | This property contains an error code of task error. |
Err.OriginalNumber | This property contains original error codes. |
Err.Raise | To generate an error. |
ErrLvl | To return the error level of a designated error. |
ErrMsg | To return an error message. |
ExclusiveArea | Create or change an exclusive area. |
ExclusiveControlStatus | Obtain the exclusive control status. |
Exit | To exit a designated processing block. |
Exp | A numeric operation function to calculate an exponential function (exponential of base e formula). |
ExtAccel | To change the external acceleration and external deceleration. |
ExtDecel | To specify the external deceleration. |
ExtSpeed | To change the external speed. |
Commands | Functions |
GetAccelometer | To read the cumulative information of acceleration that has been applied to COBOTTA. |
GetAllSrvData | Get the data that can be obtained with GetSrvData and CurJnt, at a time with time stamp. |
GetAreaDetected | Obtain the current area detection status. |
GetCCSConnection | Acquires the wireless connection condition. |
GetCollisionStatus | Returns the status of collision detection. |
GetDiagnosisPosition | To obtain the start position or the end position of the diagnosis motion. |
GetDiagnosisState | This command obtains the diagnosis motion status (for all axes). |
GetDiagnosisWarning | This command obtains whether an axis with the diagnosis motion status set to "Non-enforce" exists or not. |
GetLanguage | To return the language setting value. |
GetMotionPreparationState | To obtain the motion preparation complete status. |
GetPackingJoint | To return the robot posture at the factory default with the Joint type data. |
GetPathPoint | To return a position data of designated path point. |
GetPathPointCount | To return the number of path points at the designated path. |
GetPriority | To return the priority level of the own task. |
GetPublicValue | To load a Public local variable. |
GetSrvData | To return the servo internal data of the all axis. |
GetSrvJntData | To return the servo internal data of the designated axis. |
GiveArm | To release control of the currently-acquired arm group expressly. |
GiveMutex | To set the status of Mutex object to "Unlocked." |
GoTo | To jump to a label. |
GrvCtrl | Configure True/False of Gravity Compensation Control Function. |
GrvOffset | Configure True/False of gravity offset setting function. |
Commands | Functions |
Halt | To halt the own task. |
HandBusyState | To return the gripper's busy status. |
HandChuck | To activate a chuck motion. When an electric vacuum generator is used, this command starts vacuum operation. |
HandCurLoad | To read the load ratio of electric vacuum generator. |
HandCurPos | To return the current position of finger. |
HandCurPressure | To read the pressure sensor value of electric vacuum generator. |
HandEyeConvPos | Corrects the robot position of an object obtained using EVP to the robot position of the hand eye and returns the corrected robot position. |
HandEyeInitPos | The robot initial posture which has been set for EVP at the shipment is returned. |
HandEyePos2RobotPos | Returns the robot position for moving the hand eye to a specified position. |
HandHoldState | To return the hand gripping status. If an electric vacuum generator is used, this command returns the vacuum state of a workpiece. |
HandInposState | To return whether the gripper's finger is within the target position or not. |
HandMoveA | To move a finger to the absolute position. |
HandMoveAH | To activate an absolute position gripping motion with acceleration/deceleration. |
HandMoveH | Activates gripping motion with constant speed movement. |
HandMoveR | To move a finger to the relative position. |
HandMoveRH | To activate a gripping motion by traveling to an acceleration/deceleration relative position. |
HandMoveVH | To start vacuum or blower operation of an electric vacuum generator. |
HandMoveZH | To activate a gripping motion for traveling at constant speed with zoning. |
HandSetDetectThreshold | To set the threshold value for the vacuum detection of an electric vacuum generator. |
HandStop | To stop a gripper's motion. |
HandUnChuck | To activate an unchuck motion. When an electric vacuum generator is used, this command starts blower operation or stops the operation of an electric vacuum generator. |
HandZonState | To return the state of whether the gripper's finger is within the designated range or not. |
Hex | To return a numeric value by string type data in hexadecimal. |
Hold | To hold execution of the own task. |
Commands | Functions |
If...End If | To execute statements between If and End If. |
If...Then...Else | To perform conditional judgment of logical expression. |
InStr | To return a position of a specific string within a string. |
InStrRev | Start searching a designated string (string2) in any string (string1) from the end of the character position, then return the character position of the string (number of characters from the beginning to the character) when it appears first. |
Int | To return the maximum integer value not exceeding the designated value. |
Integer | To present Integer Type data. |
Interrupt | Skip a motion instruction in the Interrupt block when the I/O interrupt skip signal is on, or to interrupt and skip the motion if the robot is in motion. |
IsNothing | Checks if a specified object has been created. |
Commands | Functions |
Magnitude | To return the vector size. |
Max | To return a maximum value. |
Mid | To return a string of the specified number of characters at the specified position from the string. |
Min | To return a minimum value. |
Mod Operator | To perform division of 2 numeric values and return the remainder. |
MotionComplete | To judge whether or not a motion instruction is completed. |
MotionPreparation | The motion preparation is performed automatically. |
MotionSkip | To interrupt the motion instruction by the currently-active. |
MotionTimeout | Change a timeout setting value of the motion instruction. |
Motor | Turn ON/OFF the motor power. |
MotorState | To return whether or not the COBOTTA is in motor on status. |
Move | To move the robot to the designated coordinates. |
Move C | To move the robot to the designated coordinates along with an arc. |
Move S | To move the robot by free curve interpolation. |
Mps | To convert the designated speed value (mm/sec) to the ratio (%) relative to the maximum internal speed in CP motion. |
MsgBox | Displays a message in a dialogue box, and returns value of clicked button. |
MutexID | To return the ID of Mutex object. |
MutexState | To return the status of Mutex object. |
Commands | Functions |
RadDeg | To convert the angle unit from radian to [Degree]. |
Randomize | To initialize the random generator (reset the random number sequence). |
ReadByteArray | This command stores the values of a one-dimensional array (Variant type) of a byte unit into the specified variable for every one byte. The byte order of the array is not changed when it is stored in the variable. |
RealPath | To convert a relative path into an absolute path. |
Rem | To state a comment. |
RemoveHandler | Stop receiving events from providers. |
Reset | To turn I/O type variable Bit to Off. |
ResetArea | To reset a designated detection area. |
ResetExclusiveArea | Disable the exclusive area. |
ResetMutex | To clear an error of Mutex object. |
Resume | To end the error processing routine and then execution is resumed from the specified line. |
Right | To return a string of the specified number of characters from the right end. |
Rnd | To return a random number over 0 and below 1. |
RobInfo | Return the robot information. |
Rotate | To rotate a designated axial spin. |
RotateH | To perform rotation motion with the approach vector as an axis. |
Rpm | To convert the rotation speed (rpm) of the designated axial number to the ratio relative to the maximum internal speed in PTP motion. |
RTrim | To delete a tailing space in a string. |
Run | To start up a program as a separate task. |
RunByName | To start up a program as a different task. Unlike Run command, you can use a formula for task name. |
RVec | To return posture components from position type data. |
Commands | Functions |
- Operator | To return the sign inversion, difference between numeric values, or difference between vector type data or joint type data. |
#Define | To define macro. |
#Error | To output an error at the time of compiling. |
#If ... #Endif | To select a source code to compile according to specified conditions. |
#Ifdef ... #Endif | To determine whether the designated macro is defined and select a source code to compile. |
#Ifndef ... #Endif | To determine whether the designated macro is not defined and select a source code to compile. |
#Include | Read a designated file. |
#Pragma Encrypt | Source code will be encrypted. |
#Pragma Optimize( "idling" ) | To reduce CPU load, this command reduces idle time. |
#Pragma Optimize( "wait-idling-time" ) | Specify the length of rest-time on Wait command per task. |
#Undef | To cancel the macro definition defined by #Define (set to undefined). |
#Warning | To output a warning at the time of compiling. |
& Operator | To perform string concatenation to 2 expressions. |
* Operator | To obtain the product of 2 numeric data sets or the scalar multiple of vector type data. |
/ Operator | To calculate the quotient of 2 numeric values and return the result by data including decimal values. Or, to return the result of vector scalar division. |
^ Operator | To obtain the exponent of numeric values. |
\ Operator | To calculate the quotient of 2 numeric values and return the result by integer type data. |
+ Operator | To return the sum of 2 numeric values, the string concatenation or the sum of each element in vector type data and joint type data. |
<,=,> (Comparative) Operators | To compare a left-hand expression and a right-hand expression. |
<< Operator | To perform a shift operation. Each bit is shifted to the left by the specified number. |
= (Assignment) Operator | To assign a right-hand value. |
>> Operator | To perform a shift operation. Each bit is shifted to the right by the specified number. |