ID : 3797
Mod Operator
To perform division of 2 numeric values and return the remainder.
number1 Mod number2
Guaranteed Entry
- number1
- Designate integer type data.
- number2
- Designate integer type data.
Return Value
Divide the formula number1 by the formula number2 and return the remainder by integer type data as the operation result.
For the remainder operator, the formula number1 is divided by the formula number2 and the remainder is returned by integer type data as the operation result.
In the following expression, a value of variable aaa (operation result) is 1.
aaa = 19 Mod 6
In the following expression, a value of variable bbb (operation result) is 2.
bbb = 11 Mod 3
Related Terms
Operators, & Operator, * Operator, + Operator, - Operator, / Operator, ^ Operator, = (Assignment) Operator, And Operator, Comparative Operators, Not Operator, Or Operator, Xor Operator, \ Operator, >> Operator, << Operator
ID : 3797