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ID : 6742


Commands Functions
CreateMutex To request the creation of Mutex object and acquire the ID of Mutex object.
DeleteMutex To request the deletion of Mutex object.
GiveArm To release control of the currently-acquired arm group expressly.
GiveMutex To set the status of Mutex object to "Unlocked."
MutexID To return the ID of Mutex object.
MutexState To return the status of Mutex object.
ResetMutex To clear an error of Mutex object.
TakeArm To acquire axis control.
TakeArmState To return whether control for a designated arm group is acquired.
TakeMutex To change the Mutex object's status from "Unlocked" to "Locked." If the designated Mutex object's status is not "Unlocked", wait for the execution.

ID : 6742

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