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ID : 6983

Detailed Description of Log Types

Error Log

Records errors occurring in the COBOTTA. The most recent 1,000 errors are recorded.

The error log is regularly updated.

  • Date/time
  • Module
  • Code
    Error code
  • Message
  • Level
    Error level
  • Filename, LineNumber
    Name of the file and the line number in which error occurred.
  • Uptime

Operation Log

This is a record of COBOTTA operations. The most recent 1,000 items are recorded.

The operation log is regularly updated.

  • Date/time
  • Client
    The device that was operated is recorded. (Pendant: Remote TP/Virtual TP. PC: WINCAPSIII, etc. PC. I/O: I/O. System: System)
  • Code
  • Operation
  • Uptime

Control Log

A record of the robot's control, including movement of axes, current values, load ratios, etc.

This is useful in the following cases.

  • Checking robot behavior within a specified range.
  • Checking the age deterioration of the robot.
  • Approximating the minimal load on the motor by predicting load ratios.

The recording interval and recording time can be set for control log.
Recording can be made manually from the Remote TP/Virtual TP or WINCAPSIII or through program operations.

The following items are recorded for the log data.

  • Axis command values [deg or mm]
    Axis angles commanded by the COBOTTA in the specified recording interval
  • Axis encoder value [deg or mm]
    Current axis angle values (actual values)
  • Axis current values [%]
    Current values in the motors of the axes (compared with the rated value)
  • Axis load ratios [%]
    Load ratios in the axes

Trace Logging

Trace logging records the program execution flow and timing.

The data recorded is as follows.

  • PRO Name, Line Number
  • Code
    Program code
  • Logtime [ms]
  • Uptime [ms]

Servo Log

More detailed recording of motor control.

The recording interval is 8 ms.

The recording time can be set from 10-60 s.

The data recorded in the log can be selected with the Remote TP/Virtual TP.

  • Motor speed [r/min]
  • Real speed [r/min]
  • Torque [% of rating]
  • Deviation [deg]
  • Current [%]
  • Instruction [deg or mm]
  • Encoder [deg or mm]

The recording range can be specified with the program and the Remote TP/Virtual TP.

ID : 6983

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