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ID : 561

Extended-Joint Option for Target Position

Extended-joint options for target position are options to be added for the motion statement target position to activate a motion accompanying the robot axis motion. Extended-joints arrive and depart at the same time.

There are 2 types of extended-joint options for target position: Ex option to designate a relative position and ExA option to designate an absolute position.

Ex Option


Ex (relative travel distance)

Specifying Relative Travel Distance

Specify the relative travel distance as follows:

Individually Designating Single Axis

Enclose the axis number and relative travel distance in brackets "()" to specify them in a batch.

Axis number is specified by integer type data. Axis number for which the task has no control cannot be specified.

For relative travel distance, single precision real number type or joint type data can be designated. If joint type data is designated, elements other than specified axis elements will be ignored.

To specify more than one axis, separate multiple sets of an axis number and relative travel distance in brackets by comma(s).

Move P, P1 Ex((7, 10))
Move P, P1 Ex((7, 10),(8, 20))
Move P, P1 Ex((7, J1))
aaa = 1
Do While aaa =< 10
    Move P, P[10 + aaa] Ex((7, 10),(8, 5))
    aaa = aaa + 1

Specifying All Axes in a Batch

To move the target extended-joints simultaneously, enter the relative travel distances of extended-joints where the task has the axis control in the corresponding elements of the joint-type data. Components of extended-joints for which the task has no control are ignored.

Move P, P1 Ex(J2)

ExA Option


ExA (target position)

Specifying Target Position

Specify the target position as follows:

Individually Designating Single Axis

Enclose the axis number and target position in brackets "()" to specify them.

Axis number is specified by integer type data. Axis number for which the task has no control cannot be specified.

For the target position, single precision real number type or joint type data can be designated. If joint type data is designated, elements other than specified axis elements will be ignored.

To specify more than one axis, separate multiple sets of an axis number and target position in brackets by comma(s).

Move P, P1 ExA((7, 100))
Move P, P1 ExA((7, 85),(8, 85))
Move P, P1 ExA((7, J1))
For aaa = 1 To 10
    Move P, P[10 + aaa] ExA((7,aaa*10), (8, aaa*5))
Next aaa

Specifying All Axes in a Batch

To move the target extended-joints simultaneously, enter the target position of extended-joints where the task has the axis control in the corresponding elements of the joint-type data. Components of extended-joints for which the task has no control are ignored.

Move P, P1 ExA(J1)

Obtain Target Position

When you obtain the target position with a teach pendant, setting the same variable number for P-type variable (robot joints) and J-type variable (extended-joints) will enable you to obtain the both variable values at the same time. For details, refer to the "Getting Extended-Joint Positions" of EXTENDED-JOINT MANUAL.

ID : 561

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