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ID : 4845

Changing the R-axis Motion Range Using the Teach Pendant

Specify the R-axis motion space in the Motion Space window on the teach pendant.


To display the following [Motion range of R axis], press [F2 Arm]—[F12 Maintenance].

Press [F9 Motion range of R axis].


[Motion range of R axis] appear.

Select the R-axis motion range for which the mechanical stop is positioned then press OK.

To change the R-axis motion range using WINCAPSIII, refer to "Changing the R-axis Motion Range Using WINCAPSIII".


Check that the software motion limit has been specified correctly by moving the R-axis.

Gradually move the arm to the mechanical stop. If the robot stops near the mechanical stop showing the error message "Cur. Position J2 soft motion limit over," then the software motion limit has been correctly specified.

If the arm hits the mechanical stop, respecify the software motion limit again.


ID : 4845

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