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ID : 5818


General conditions of robot use.

Setting with the Teach Pendant

To set the following parameters, from the top menu of the teach pendant, press [F2 Arm]-[F6 Aux]-[F1 Config] to display the parameter list.
For details about operation, refer to "Displaying and Setting the Configuration" of OPERATION GUIDE.

Parameter List

Default values are different from robot types. The following shows an example of VS series.

No. Items Unit Default Description
1 Mass of payload (※1) g 4000 Mass of end-effector and object to be mounted at the end of the robot arm.
2 Payload center of gravity X mm 0 X component of payload center of gravity (consisting of end-effector and object)
3 Payload center of
gravity Y
mm 80 Y component of payload center of gravity (consisting of end-effector and object)
4 Payload center of
gravity Z
mm 100 Z component of payload center of gravity (consisting of end-effector and object)
5 Payload moment of inertia Ix kgcm^2 0 Moment of inertia around X axis (consisting of end-effector and object)
6 Payload moment of inertia Iy kgcm^2 0 Moment of inertia around Y axis (consisting of end-effector and object)
7 Payload moment of inertia Iz kgcm^2 0 Moment of inertia around Z axis (consisting of end-effector and object)
8 Control set of motion optimization - 0 0: None
1: PTP
2: CP
10 Floor-mount, or
- 0 0: Floor-mount
1 : Overhead-mount
2 : Wall-mount (under-face)
3 : Wall-mount (Right-face)
4 : all-mount (Left-face)
11 Efficiency of gravity
- 0 0 : Gravity compensation feature disabled
1 : Gravity compensation feature enabled
12 DEFLECTION mode setting - 0 Modify the robot arm's deflection caused by the gravity depending on the motion position, posture, load conditions, automatically.
0 : Disabled
1 : Enabled
14 Restoration of TOOL/WORK data - 0

If this option is enabled, once the controller turns ON, it operates with the same TOOL/WORK number as the controller turned OFF last time.
This option takes priority over the setting of "142 TOOL number setting" and "143 WORK number setting".
0 : Disabled
1 : Enabled

(Note : This corresponds to "Restoration of TOOL/WORK data" of RC7M.)

15 Setting of TCP speed pattern - 1

0: Rotate

1: Constant

2: Constant(Compatible)

16 Accel and decel setting at teach check - 1 0 : first root
1 : Square
17 Angle for position allowance (J1) deg 0.01099  
18 Angle for positioning allowance (J2) deg 0.00879  
19 Angle for position allowance (J3) deg 0.00997  
20 Angle for position allowance (J4) deg 0.01099  
21 Angle for position allowance (J5) deg 0.00845  
22 Angle for position allowance (J6) deg 0.01758  
23 Angle for position allowance (J7) mm 0.12207  
24 Angle for position allowance (J8) mm 0.12207  
25 Operation end time-out ms 5600 When executing Move @E command or Move@C command, if the command is not finished within the specified time or specified pulse, time-over error occurs.
26 Control log mode s 10  
27 Control log sampling time ms 8 Sampling time of the control log
Selection value:8, 16, 24, 32 ms
34 Positive software motion limit (J1) deg 170.000  
35 Positive software motion limit (J2) deg 120.000  
36 Positive software motion limit (J3) deg 151.000  
37 Positive software motion limit (J4) deg 270.000  
38 Positive software motion limit (J5) deg 120.000  
39 Positive software motion limit (J6) deg 360.000  
40 Positive software motion limit (J7) mm 500.000  
41 Positive software motion limit (J8) mm 500.000  
42 Negative software motion limit (J1) deg -170.000  
43 Negative software motion limit (J2) deg -120.000  
44 Negative software motion limit (J3) deg -120.000  
45 Negative software motion limit (J4) deg -270.000  
46 Negative software motion limit (J5) deg -120.000  
47 Negative software motion limit (J6) deg -360.000  
48 Negative software motion limit (J7) mm 0.000  
49 Negative software motion limit (J8) mm 0.000  
Reduce Gain (J1 to J8) % 0 Setting the reduce gain rate of axis (J1 to J8)
60 Setting of singularity avoidance mode - 0 0 : Disabled
2 : Enabled
You can change the singularity avoidance level from "189: Setting of singularity avoidance level". For conditions and attentions at the time of shifting to the singularity avoidance motion, refer to "SingularAvoid".
78 Ambient temperature degC 40 Set in accordance with the ambient temperature.
If in the place where temperature changes dramatically, set the expected maximum ambient temperature.
If the ambient temperature setting is incorrect, robot may stop with an error.
If the setting temperature is lower than actual ambient temperature, robot may be broken.
82 Pass Motion setting - 0 Set the motion destination position at rebooting after stop processing execution during pass motion.

0 : Move to the destination position after pass motion
1 : Move to the previous destination position of pass motion

83 Positioning allowance of pass end mm 5 Conditions to prevent to move to the previous destination position of pass motion. Set by the distance from the destination position.
108 Position for positioning allowance mm 0.100  
109 Pose for positioning allowance deg 0.100  
Allowance for Position gap detection (J1 to J8) deg 10.000  
118 Trajectory poses clear setting at TakeArm - 1 Changes the validity of free curve viapoint clear process execution during TakeArm.
0 : Enabled
1 : Disabled
119 Disable emergency stop dual channel check - 0

Specify whether to detect the inconsistency between emergency stop signals.
This item is available when Safety IO-less specification is selected.

0 : Enabled
1 : Disabled

120 Emergency stop dual channel check cycle s 0.5 Specify the insensitive time before the detection. This item is available when Safety IO-less specification is selected.
123 Disable protective stop dual channel check - 0

Specify whether to detect the inconsistency between protective stop signals.
This item is available when Safety IO-less specification is selected.

0 : Enabled
1 : Disabled

124 Protective stop dual channel check cycle s 0.5 Specify the insensitive time before the detection. This item is available when Safety IO-less specification is selected.
136 Temperature Drift Offset - 2
(1 for less than Ver 2.11)

Compensate deviation caused by the thermal expansion of the robot arm so as to minimize the decrease of positional accuracy.

0 : OFF
1 : ON (FIG priority)
2 : ON (Angle priority) Ver 2.11 or higher
137 Path accuracy compensation mode - 0 This function is for 4-axis robots only.
0 : Basic control
1 : For high speed
141 Manual mode setting - 1 This option specifies the operation mode of the manual mode selected at the time of the controller start-up.
1 : Joint mode
2 : XY mode
3 : TOOL mode
4098: XY mode (without posture control)
4099: TOOL mode (without posture control)
142 TOOL number setting - 0 This option specifies the TOOL number selected at the time of controller start-up.
Tool number: 0 to 63
143 WORK number setting - 0 This option specifies the WORK number selected at the time of controller start-up.
WORK number: 0 to 7
149 Boundless Rotation(J6) - 0 0 : Disable
1 : Enable
2 : Enable Automatically adjust the current angle of the 6th-axis to within the range of plus or minus 360 degree when the robot stops.
152 Force sensor status - 0 Enable this option when the force sensor is used in the system.
0 : Disable
1 : Enable
153 Speed setting for b-CAP Slave - 0 For details, refer to the "4.7 Setting of the command speed limit and acceleration limit" of b-CAP Communication for RC8.
0 : Servo Limit
1 : Servo Limit (ExtSpeed)
2 : Command Limit
3 : Command Limit (ExtSpeed)
171 Flange position encoder value check motion judgment mode - 0 This item is used for @C motion.
0 : Immediate
Execute the next line immediately once the tool end arrives the target position.
1 : Speed
Execute the next line under the condition that the tool end arrives at the target position with the current speed and then is expected to remain within the target position after a specified time passes.
2 : Time
Execute the next line under the condition that the tool end remains within the target position during the specified time period after arriving at the target position.
172 to 179 Each axis encoder value check motion judgment mode - 0 This item is used for @E motion.
0 : Immediate
Execute the next line immediately once the tool end arrives the target position.
1 : Speed
Execute the next line under the condition that the tool end arrives at the target position with the current speed and then is expected to remain within the target position after a specified time passes.
2 : Time
Execute the next line under the condition that the tool end remains within the target position during the specified time period after arriving at the target position.
180 Flange position encoder value check motion judgment time ms 16 Set the time to be used for the judgment of Speed or Time on the Flange position encoder value check motion judgment mode.
181 to 188 Each axis encoder value check motion judgment time ms 16 Set the time to be used for the judgment of Speed or Time on the Each axis encoder value check motion judgment mode.
189 Setting of singularity avoidance level - 0 Change the method of the singularity avoidance.
0 : based on the figure at the starting and arrival position
1 : based on the figure at the starting and arrival position (except for Single, Double, Triple of the J4 and J6)
190 BASE number
- 0 This option specifies whether the selected BASE number will be enabled at the time of controller start-up.
0 : Disable
1 : Enable
215 HighPathAccuracy setting - 0 This option specifies whether the HighPathAccuracy setting will enable or disable.
0 : Disable
1 : Enable
217 Vibration Control M setting - 0 This option specifies whether the Vibration Control M setting will enable or disable.
0 : Disable
1 : Enable
218 Display easy setting on start-up - 1 Specify whether the Easy setting dialog is displayed at the controller startup or not.
0 : Not displayed
1 : Display (Default)
220 Payload command setting - 0 This option specifies how the payload command works when an argument of the command (the center of gravity and/or inertia) is omitted.
0 : 0 is entered
1 : currently entered value is maintained.
221 ForceSensorPayload command setting - 0 This option specifies how the ForceSensorPayload command works when an argument of the command (the center of gravity and/or inertia) is omitted.
0 : 0 is entered
1 : currently entered value is maintained.

Motion optimization Additional joint sync compatible mode

(Version 2.4.* or higher)
- 1

This option specifies the robot behavior when Extended-joint option for target position is used if Optimal speed control function is set to control set 1 or Control set 3.

0 : Ver 2.4.0 or more

1 : Less than Ver.2.4.0


Use a start point in spline curve

(Version 2.7.* or higher)

- 0

Sets whether to check if the robot exists in the start point of free curve interpolation motion when MoveS starts.

If this parameter is [1:Enable], an error occurs unless the robot exists in the start point of free curve interpolation motion.

Also, if this parameter is [1:Enable], you can select free curve moving method and motion Direction from the path point setting window.

For details, refer to the "Path Points Confirmation Window" of "Operation Procedure for the Free Curve Motion."

0 : Disable
1 : Enable


Move space change for Hanging type

(Ver.2.8.0 or higher)

- 1

Adjusts the motion range of the HSR series overhead mount type.

Description of adjustment : To avoid the contact between the shaft edge and bellows portion and the base area.

For details, refer to "HSR Series; Overhead-mount."

0 : Disable
1 : Enable


Rotation direction setting in CP motion

(Ver.2.8.0 or higher)

- 0

Specify the rotation direction of the 4th axis in CP motion of the horizontal articulated robot.

If this parameter is [0 : Specified FIG], move so that the 4th axis will be the specified Fig.
If this parameter is [1 : Minimum angle], move in the direction that the rotation amount of the 4th axis will be minimum.

0 : Specified FIG
1 : Minimum angle


Number of target position of task motion for software limit check

(Ver.2.11.0 or higher)

- 3

Specify the number of path points for the target position check of the robot task motion from 2 to 10, for TrackMotionRange command.

For details, refer to "TrackMotionRange."


Conveyor speed Option Vibration Control Mode
(Ver.2.20.0 or later)



Determines whether to enable or disable Vibration Control Mode, which is a feature of Conveyor Speed Option for the conveyor tracking function or the circular tracking function, used only for a slave robot.

0: Disable
1: Enable

※1 : In the Safety motion specification, if [Mass of payload] of Setting condition (User parameter) is smaller than [Max payload setting] of Safety-related parameters, an error message appears when startup of controller. (Version 2.5.* or higher)

ID : 5818

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