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ID : 5286



To enable or disable singularity avoidance function.


SingularAvoid mode

Guaranteed Entry


Designate enable/disable by integer type data.

2: Enable

0: Disable


Enable or disable singularity avoidance function.

Once singularity avoidance function is enabled, when the 5th-axis is passing near 0 degree while CP such as straight line, arc and free curve is running, it can control the behavior of the 4th-axis' great spinning.

Note that the robot can switch to the singularity avoidance motion only when one of the following condition is met.

  1. While a CP motion command (such as Move L) execution, when the robot figure of the current position and that of the target position is different. The condition used for the judgment, refer to "Setting of singularity avoidance level".
  2. While a CP motion command (such as Move L) execution, both of the following conditions are met; 1) The robot figure of the current position and that of the target position is the same. 2) Taking a different wrist figure will result in the smaller 4th-axis rotation angle than keeping the current wrist figure.


  • This is the function dedicated to 6 axes robot.
  • It does not work on PTP motion.

When the function is enabled, a posture during the motion might be changed according to the motion condition. Be sure to start with the lowest speed to check the motion, and then increase the speed gradually, because the 1st-, 2nd- or 3rd-axis may move larger than expected.

  • A motion which does not entail the 4th-axis' great spinning under the function disabled may change the figure when the function is enabled. Because of that, disable the singularity avoidance function when you run a robot in a place where you do not want to change the TCP position and/or robot posture (such as narrow space).
  • When one CP motion needs to pass through singular points two or more times, the rotation of the 4th-axis can not be controlled.
  • When the following conditions are met, an error [0x81201403 : Cannot move within the specified motion time] may occur.
    • Singularity avoidance function is enabled.
    • Start position and target position are exactly the same.
    • Time option is specified.


Sub Main                             'Start up a program                        
 Takearm keep = 0                    'Acquire the control of the arm group
 Move P,@E P1                        'Move to P1 with PTP motion
 SingularAvoid (2)                   'Enable singularity point avoidance function
 Move L,@0 P2                        'Move to P2 with CP motion
 SingularAvoid (0)                   'Disable singularity avoidance function
End Sub                              'Exit the program

ID : 5286

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