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ID : 3201


Specify the pallet conditions, stack count and the target position number to retrieve the desired position.

Graphic expression FB No. FB category
FB2122 Non motion

Input parameter

Parameter name Data type Valid range Default Omission (*)
AxesGroup Integer 1 or larger 1 No
Robot number
Specify an element number for the variable "Robots[n]" (variable in the data block "DB_DENSO_ROBOTS (DB2990)") mapped to the controlled robot (robot controller).
If a specified value exceeds the valid range, the CPU (PLC) stops.

The maximum valid range value is the maximum element number of the variable "Robots[n]". The default maximum element number is 10 but can be increased or decreased by the user.

Execute Boolean
  • True : Start
  • False : -
False No
Execution start
When the parameter is changed from False to True, this FB is executed.
VerticalSplit Integer 1 or larger 1 No
Vertical division
Specify the number of divisions on the P1 to P3 direction (N).
HorizontalSplit Integer 1 or larger 1 No
Horizontal division
Specify the number of divisions on the P1 to P2 direction (M).
PalletHeights Real - 0 No
Height of one stack
Specify the height of one stack. The position of the height of pallet is calculated by [Height of one stack]*([Stack count]-1). If pallets are piled up successively, enter a positive value. If pallets successively diminish in number, enter a negative value.
PalletCornersP1No Integer 0 or larger 0 No
Pallet 4-corner position P1
Specify the first position in the four corners.
PalletCornersP2No Integer 0 or larger 0 No
Pallet 4-corner position P2
Specify the second position in the four corners.
PalletCornersP3No Integer 0 or larger 0 No
Pallet 4-corner position P3
Specify the third position in the four corners.
PalletCornersP4No Integer 0 or larger 0 No
Pallet 4-corner position P4
Specify the fourth position in the four corners.
PalletTargetPosNo Integer 1 - ([Vertical division]*[Horizontal division]) 1 No
Pallet target position number
Specify the target position number that is counted from the first position of the stack.
StackedNo Integer 1 or larger 1 Yes
Stack count
Specify the stack count from the first stack.

(*) : For some parameters, entries can be omitted.

  • Yes : Entry can be omitted.
  • No : Entry required always.

Output parameter

Parameter name Data type / Description
Done Boolean
Execution completion confirmation
True : This FB execution is completed.
False : This FB execution is not completed.
Busy Boolean
Processing status of this FB
True : Being executed.
False : Not being executed.
Error Boolean
Error presence
True : This FB ended abnormally.
False : This FB ended successfully.
ErrorID Word
Error location
2800 (hexadecimal) : The error occurred in the PLC program.
2801 (hexadecimal) : The error occurred in the robot controller.
ErrorIDEx DWord
Error Code
This is a number to identify the error description.
For details, refer to "Error code list".
PalletTargetPosition eRC_Position
Target position of the pallet

Function description

Specify the pallet conditions, stack count and the target position number to retrieve the desired position.
Pallet conditions to specify are; P1-P3 division (N), P1-P2 division (M), stack height, and pallet four corners (P1 to P4).
Pallet position numbers are assigned from P1 to P2 and after P2, subsequent numbers are assigned from P1 plus 1 to P3 horizontally as indicated in the figure.



ID : 3201

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