ID : 3749
To call and execute a procedure.
[Call] procedure
Guaranteed Entry
- Procedure
- Designate a procedure to call.
No brackets "()" are included in augment specification if Call is omitted when calling a procedure that requires an augment.
Return value is discarded when a procedure that returns a value is called by Call.
Related Terms
#Include, Run, CallByName, Calling a Procedure from a Program File
If a procedure you want to call is in a different program file, use #Include to read the procedure.
'!TITLE "Calling and Executing Program"
' Method function call
Sub Sample_Call
Dim aaa As Integer
Dim bbb As Position
aaa = 10
bbb = P( 100, 100, 100, 0, 0, 0 )
' Method function call
Call Method( aaa, bbb )
End Sub
Sub Method( ccc As Integer, ddd As Position )
' Display the augment of Method function on the message output window
PrintDbg "Method Call ( " & ccc & ", " & ddd & " )"
End Sub
ID : 3749