ID : 3986
To start up a program as a separate task.
A program designated by task is executed as a separate task.
If the designated task is in stop status, the task is started from the top of the program (single-cycle start). In case of hold status or step stop status, the task is started from the stopped step (single-cycle start). In case of running status, the task property is subject to single-cycle start if the task is a continuous start task. Nothing occurs in case of single-cycle start or single-step start. Refer to How to Start Task.
If the designated task is a task with argument, only pass by value is available. If the designated task requires pass by reference argument, an error occurs.
Related Terms
Call, Kill, Suspend, SuspendAll, Halt, Hold, Call Procedure with Arument, Task Status, ContinueAll, RunByName
- Performing Run for a running task does not cause any error and will be ignored.
- Panel screen task cannot be designated.
- If a specified task is not found, "81500029: Failed to find a file." is displayed.
'!TITLE "Starting Separate Program in Parallel"
' Execute the current position display by parallel startup
Sub Sample_Run
' Display of current position
Run Run_Sample2
End Sub
ID : 3986