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ID : 3835



To return a minimum value.


Min(formula, formula[, formula])

Guaranteed Entry

Lay formulas you want to compare values in separated by a comma (,). Designate double precision real number type data. Up to 32 arguments can be designated.

Return Value

Return the smallest value among the designated formulas by double precision real number type data.


The smallest value among the specified number of formulas is returned by double precision real number type data.

The maximum number of formulas that can be specified is 32.

Related Terms





'!TITLE "Extraction of Minimum Value"
' Assign the minimum value to aaa
Sub Sample_Min

  Dim aaa As Integer
  Dim bbb As Integer
  Dim ccc As Integer
  Dim ddd As Integer
  Dim eee As Integer

  bbb = 4
  ccc = 2
  ddd = 10
  eee = 8

  ' Assign the minimum value between bbb and eee to aaa
  aaa = Min( bbb, ccc, ddd, eee )

  ' Display "2" on the message output window
  PrintDbg aaa

End Sub

ID : 3835

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