ID : 3867
This command creates a one-dimensional array by means of splitting strings into substrings that are separated by the optional designated character.
Split (string[, delimiter [, Number of elements]])
Guaranteed Entry
- String
- Designate a string in string type date.
- Delimiter
- Designate a delimiter in string type data. Split the string in every position where one of the same character codes as delimiter appears. Delimiter is optional. If it is omitted, a space (" ") is used as a delimiter.
- Number of elements
- Specify how many pieces to split the string into by integer type data. This is optional. If it is omitted, the string is divided where all the delimiter locate. If -1 is entered, an array including all character strings is returned.
Return Value
Return a one-dimensional variant array which stores the divided strings.
- Create a one-dimensional array by splitting a string at a position of delimiter.
- Split in order from front to back. When the number of elements is specified, the split command finishes when the specified number of elements are obtained.
Related Terms
'!TITLE "Pro1.pcs"
Sub Main
Dim aa As Variant
Dim bb As String
bb = "AB,CD,EF"
PrintDbg bb
aa = split( bb, "," )
PrintDbg aa( 0 ) 'AB
PrintDbg aa( 1 ) 'CD
PrintDbg aa( 2 ) 'EF
End Sub
ID : 3867