ID : 3981
To return the elapsed time.
Return Value
Return the elapsed time (in ms) after COBOTTA power On by integer type data.
The elapsed time after the COBOTTA power On is returned. The unit is ms (millisecond).
Related Terms
When the elapsed time exceeds the maximum value (+2147483647) of the integer type, addition is performed from the minimum value (-2147483648). It is after about 24.8 days later when the maximum value is exceeded.
'!TITLE "Acquisition of Elapsed Time"
' Display the elapsed time calculation result
Sub Sample_Timer
Dim aaa As Integer
Dim bbb As Integer
' Assign the elapsed time to aaa
aaa = Timer
' Display the elapsed time on the message output window
PrintDbg aaa
' Assign a value obtained by adding 5 seconds to the elapsed time to bbb
bbb = Timer + 5000
' Display the elapsed time after addition on the message output window
PrintDbg bbb
End Sub
ID : 3981