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ID : 6799

I/O Statement

I/O statement refers to a statement used for communication between the COBOTTA and external devices.

Devices that communicate by using the I/O statement are listed below.

I/O relationship
Communication is established in I/O relation including various field networks such as DeviceNet and CC-Link.
Data communication relationship
Data communication such as Ethernet and RS232C.
Pendant relationship
Messages are output to TP.
Communication is established with other devices such as a visual device and sensors.

I/O Statement of I/O Relationship

I/O communication is established basically by using I/O type variable. Each global variable is directly linked with an I/O port and signal ON is 1 and Off is 0. Signals are transmitted directly from the I/O port when the I/O variable value is changed. In addition, declaring I/O type local variable and creating data with data length allows for handing the data as a value.

Statement name Function description
Set To turn I/O type variable Bit to On.
Reset To turn I/O type variable Bit to Off.

Serial Communication Relationship

Statement name Function description
Comm.Open To open the line for data communication.
Comm.Close To close the line designated for data communication.
Comm.Output To transmit data by the data communication function.
Comm.Input To receive data by the data communication function.
Comm.Clear To clear the data communication reception buffer.
Comm.Count To return the number of data bytes readable from reception buffer of the data communication function.
Comm.State To return the port status of the data communication function.

TP Relationship

Statement name Function description
PrintMsg To display an icon indicating that a string is output in the message output window and then in the TP status bar.
PrintDbg To output a string to the message output window.

Other Devices

A provider is used for communication with other devices such as a visual device and sensors.

For details of providers, contact our sales representative.

ID : 6799

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