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ID : 3891



To receive data by the data communication function.


Comm.Input(line number[, timeout[, number of input bytes]])

Guaranteed Entry

Line number
Designate a line number by integer type.
Designate a timeout period by integer type data. This is an optional value. This should be waiting according to the default value (parameter designated value) if this is omitted.
Number of input bytes
Specify the number of data bytes to receive when the line data type is "Binary" by integer type data. This should be 1 if this is omitted.

Return Value

Return the received data.


  • Data are received from the designated line.
  • In the text mode, text parts where neither headers nor delimiters (signs to delimit texts) are included will be returned.
  • Designated values and meanings for timeout are described below. When time-out occurs, an error of Error Level1 occurs. For detailed information, please refer to "Error Processing Routine".
Designated value Meaning
>= 0 Waiting for designated time. (Unit ms)
= -1 Infinite waiting.
< -1 , when omitted Waiting according to the default value (parameter designated value)


A number designated in the number of input bytes will be ignored if data type of line is "text".


'!TITLE "Data Reception by Data Communication Function"
' Receive data by the line number 1
Sub Sample_CommInput

  Dim aaa As Variant
  Dim bbb As Integer
  Dim ccc As Integer

  ' Open line number 1
  Comm.Open 1

  ' Receive 10 byte data with timeout time 10 seconds by line number 1 and assign it to aaa
  aaa = Comm.Input( 1, 10000, 10 )

  'Assign the maximum index number of element aaa to bbb
  bbb = UBound( aaa )

  ' To process repeat until ccc reaches bbb
  For ccc = 0 To bbb

    ' Assign received data to I variable
    I[ccc] = aaa( ccc )


  ' Close line number 1
  Comm.Close 1

End Sub

ID : 3891

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