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ID : 159



To return whether or not position data are within motion space of the robot.


OutRange(position data[, tool coordinate[, work coordinate]])

Guaranteed Entry

Position data
Designate position data you want to check by Position Type data, Joint Type data or Homogeneous Translation Type data.
Tool coordinate
Specify the elements (X, Y, Z, Rx, Ry, Rz) of Tool coordinate to be checked with position type data, or specify a Tool coordinate number (-1 to 63) with integer type data.
If you specify with position type data, Fig is ignored.
"-1" represents the currently used tool number. 0 to 63 represents the tool coordinate number. This entry is omittable. This should be "-1" (current tool number) if this is omitted. When joint type data are designated as position data, the data are ignored.
Work coordinate
Specify the elements (X, Y, Z, Rx, Ry, Rz) of Work coordinate to be checked with position type data, or specify a Work coordinate number (-1 to 7) with integer type data.
If you specify with position type data, Fig is ignored.
"-1" represents the currently used work number. 0 to 7 represents the work coordinate number. This entry is omittable. This should be "-1" (current work number) if this is omitted. When joint type data are designated as position data, the data are ignored.

Tool coordinate and Work coordinate can be specified with position type data if your controller software’s version is 2.0.* or higher.

Return Value

Return an Integer Type value.


It is returned whether or not position data are within motion space of the robot.

When the tool coordinate and work coordinate are omitted, calculation is performed by the current tool and work coordinate.

When Joint Type data are designated as position data, the extended-joints components are ignored.

Return Value Out of the Motion Space

Value Meaning
0 Within motion space
1-63 Out of motion space: Position where the software motion limit is exceeded for any axis
-1 Position where calculation is not possible due to axis structure*
-2 Singular point*

* Only when position type data and homogeneous translation type data are designated.

If the designated position data are any position where the software motion limit is exceeded for any axis of the robot, 6-bit integer value that indicate 1 when the software motion limit over occurs with the 1st axis set as 1st bit is returned.

E.g. 5 is returned with &B000101 when the software motion limit is exceeded in 1st and 3rd axes.

Related Terms

Motion Statement




Dim aaa As Position
  aaa = CurPos + P(0, 0, 30)
  If OutRange(aaa) = 0 Then
    Move L, aaa
    Exit Do
  End If

ID : 159

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