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ID : 1532

Teach Check Mode

The Teach check mode allows user to make a final check of programs (which have undergone teaching) with the teach pendant or mini-pendant in automatic operation under the following restrictions:

  • The maximum robot speed is 10% or less of the maximum speed defined in the Auto mode.

The maximum speed of the robot is limited to 250 mm/s or below at the flange (mechanical interface) or the TCP point in teach check.
However, you need to keep in mind that any movable parts away from the TCP point (such as parts near the tool, customer-prepared external wirings) may exceed the limit speed.

  • To run a task program, hold down both deadman switch and OK key.

Two types of teach check are available - Cycle check and Step in.

Cycle check executes the selected task program from the current program line to the end by a single cycle.

Step in executes the selected program from the current program line by a single step.

This operation starts the robot running. Before starting teach check operation, be sure to confirm that all persons are out of the restricted space of the robot.

Two or more task programs cannot be executed concurrently in the Teach check mode. Therefore, the RUN command specifying concurrent execution of other programs will be ignored in normal tasks.

Run the Robot in Teach Check Mode When

The operator want to run the robot automatically using a task program while physically near the robot, in order to check or modify the object points and passes defined in teaching, while ensuring safety.

Useful Functions of Step Forward

Step Over

For a CALL statement, Step forward is executed in the following two ways:

Step in This moves into a CALL destination program and executes steps sequentially in every Step in.
Step over This continuously executes steps in a CALL statement and moves on to the next step in the CALL statement. When a CALL destination program has been already evaluated, this is useful since the program will not be rerun.


When the repeat function is turned on, simply press the OK button to repeat Step forward.

ID : 1532

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