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ID : 1644

Break Point Function

A break point may be set at any program step in programs. If a program is running and encounters a break point, it will immediately stop.

The step where a break point is set cannot be executed.

A break point can be set regardless of the operation mode.
Furthermore, a break point can be set in normal tasks, supervisory tasks, and operation panel tasks.

Break Point Stop Mode

When a program encounters a break point step, either of the following two stop modes may be selected:

  1. Immediate halt of that program in which the break point is set
    If the program stops due to this setting, the program is Hold-stopped.
  2. Immediate halt of all running programs
    If the programs stop due to this setting, the programs are Continue-stopped.

Clearing the Break Point

The break points to be cleared can be selected using the following methods.

  • Clearing all the break points in a specified PacScript file or operation panel file
  • Clearing all the break points in all the PacScript files and operation panel files

Further, turning off the robot controller power clears the break points in all the PacScript files and operation panel files.

Operation Procedure

This setting can be made by the button operations when the teach pendant displays the program content.
For details, refer to "Displaying Folder or Contents of the File" in the Teach Pendant Operation Guide.

ID : 1644

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