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ID : 1690

Error Log

Record error logs for the errors that are occurred in the controller.
The error history that was recorded in the logs in the past can be checked on the teach pendant screen.


Press [F6 Setting].


Press [Operation and Error Log] button.
It can be selected by the following procedure.

  • Press [Operation and Error Log] button under function menu.
  • Press [F4] on pendant.

Error Log screen opens.
Press up and down cursor keys on the teach pendant to move the cursor keys on the screen up and down, and check the log history.
The cursor on the screen can be scrolled by the following procedure.

  • Turn jog dial on the tech pendant.

Available function keys
[F1 Prev] Display the previous page of the currently displayed log information.
[F2 Next] Display the next page of the currently displayed log information.
[F3 Jump To]

Displays numeric keypad.

Enter the list No. of logs with numeric keypad, and press [OK] to display the log of the target list No.

[F6 Setting]

Display [Record error level setting] window.

Select error level to record as a log. Once pressed [OK], error log will be recorded at this set error level.
Record logs for all error levels when [Error level 0] is selected.

[F7 ClearLog]

Delete the registered log information.

Select the log information to delete, and press [OK] to delete the log.


ID : 1690

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