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ID : 2162

Automatic Figure Selection Function (Auto Fig)


This will select an appropriate Fig value which represents a robot figure, based on the robot position and operation data. To enable this function, enter a following Fig value when you specify a Fig.

Value of Fig Description Conditions
-2 Select figure values which achieves the shortest distance automatically.

Fig that meets the following conditions is selected automatically.

  1. Specified position and attitude are realizable.
  2. FIG that achieves the most similar figures to the current 1st-, 2nd- and 3rd-axis figures.
  3. FIG that achieves the most similar figures to the current 4th-, 5th- and 6th-axis figures.
-3 Select available figure values automatically.

Fig that meets the following conditions is selected automatically.

  1. Specified position and attitude are realizable.
  2. A robot can work without issuing software limit error or motion range error.
  3. Total motion distance of all axes will be the minimum.

When "-1" is specified, a Fig value that was used in the motion immediately before.

  • If -2 or -3 is specified, Fig is automatically selected. Be sure to check the robot motion at low speed before starting the actual operation.
  • If -2 is specified, a Fig that may generate software limit errors or motion range errors might be selected.

For details about robot figures, refer to "Figures of the Shoulder, Elbow, and Wrist" (6Axis Robots) and "Shoulder Figure" (4Axis Robots) of BASIC KNOWLEDGE OF ROBOTS.

Precaution on CP Motion

When CP motion (linear, arc, or free curve interpolation) is used, in most cases, a robot will fail to move to a position whose figure is different from the current one. Doing so will issue an error.
Therefore, if -2 or -3 is entered in the target position of CP motion command, an unattainable Fig will be selected automatically, resulting in an error. To avoid this error, enter -1 as a target position's Fig.

Operation Procedures

For details about setting operation of Teach Pendant, refer to "Displaying and Setting the Motion Figure (FIG) of Robot".

ID : 2162

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