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ID : 2491

Monitoring of I/O and Hardware Status

Hardware and I/O status can be monitored with a teach pendant or WINCAPSIII.

Teach Pendant

Operation path : [F2 Arm] - [F12 Maintenance] - [F5 Safety Motion] - [F1 Monitor]

Item Content
[Hardware] Status:
  • Undefine
  • Initialization error
  • Stanby
  • Seeking
  • Error
  • Recieving data
Tool No.:
  • Tool No. 0 to 15
Speed limit:

SS2 input (0 mm/sec.), Display the lowest speed among RSM1 to RSM3.

  • None
  • SS2
  • 500 mm/sec.
  • 250 mm/sec.
  • 125 mm/sec.

Under the manual mode, the monitoring speed limit will be 250 mm/second regardless of the monitoring speed displayed.

Safety parameter ID

Safety parameter ID is a specific value that changes depending on the safety parameter setting values.

It is used to check for a change made for some reason in safety parameters sent to a robot controller.

Below is an example of how to use it.

  1. Write down the safety parameter ID somewhere right after sending safety parameters to a robot controller.
  2. When using the robot controller, compare the robot controller's safety parameter ID with the ID that you wrote down. If they are identical, it means that the safety parameters have been unchanged.

Safety parameter ID helps you check for a change in safety parameters without checking each setting value of the parameters.

Safety parameter ID is displayed when the robot controller's software version is 2.15.* or higher.

[I/O] Display the ON/OFF-state of each I/O. It turns green when the I/O is ON-state.


Operation path : Menu [View] - [Safety motion monitor]

Item Content
Hardware Status
  • Undefine
  • Initialization error
  • Stanby
  • Seeking
  • Error
  • Recieving data
Tool number
  • Tool No. 0 to 15
Robot speed monitoring

SS2 input (0 mm/sec.), Display the lowest speed among RSM1 to RSM3.

  • None
  • SS2
  • 500 mm/sec.
  • 250 mm/sec.
  • 125 mm/sec.

Under the manual mode, the monitoring speed limit will be 250 mm/second regardless of the monitoring speed displayed.

I/O Display the ON/OFF-state of each I/O. It turns green when the I/O is ON-state.

ID : 2491

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