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ID : 5844



Obtain the setting value of the Force sensor Mass of payload.

This command is available in Ver.1.8.* or higher.



Return Value

The setting values of the Force sensor Mass of payload are returned by an array of Variant data. Elements of the array are "Force sensor Mass of payload", "Force sensor Payload center of gravity", and "Force sensor Payload moment of inertia".


This command returns an array of setting values of the Force sensor Mass of Payload. Elements of the array are "Force sensor Mass of payload", "Force sensor Payload center of gravity", and "Force sensor Payload moment of inertia". For details of each element, refer to "Guaranteed Entry" on "ForceSensorPayLoad" command. Use this command when you want to temporarily change the setting values, as shown below.
This command is exclusive to the Compliance Function with Force Sensor.
For compliance function with force sensor, refer to "Compliance Function with Force Sensor" of FUNCTION GUIDE.

Related Terms





Sub Main
 Dim prevSet As Variant
 'Obtain currently specified parameters of the Force sensor Mass of payload.
 prevSet = CurForceSensorPayLoad
 'Set the Force sensor Mass of payload parameters.
 ForceSensorPayLoad 500, V(0, 0, 50), V(0, 0, 0)

 'Execute the processing.

 'Set the Force sensor Mass of payload parameters to the original settings.
 ForceSensorPayLoad prevSet(0), prevSet(1), prevSet(2)
End Sub

ID : 5844

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