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ID : 3507


Compile is a set of program that transforms program file (source code) into executable code through a COBOTTA to generate a task.

With COBOTTA, it is done at "Save, Syntax check" of a program on a per file basis.

Preprocessor code described in a source code will be processed at the compile stage. Loading other files like "#Include" will be done within the source code at the compile stage.

A program file with advance preparation setting "On" will be compiled when the COBOTTA starts up. A program file with advance preparation setting "Off" will be compiled just before its first execution. Therefore, there may be some time lag between the first and the second-to-last execution of the program file with advance preparation setting "Off". It takes more time to start up the COBOTTA when you set advance preparation setting "On" on lots of program files, so we recommend that you set advance preparation setting "On" on program files as required.

Proper memory size will be assigned when compiling for a Static local variable. Compile process will be done if there are any changes on a part of the program file, but in case of Static local variable, it will keep its value without being initialized if there is no change in the description of its local variable.

ID : 3507

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