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ID : 3788



To declare a local variable with Static attribute.


Static variable name As data type[ = initial value][, variable name As data type[ = initial value]]

Guaranteed Entry

Variable name
Designate a variable name. Each name must be specified in accordance with the Naming convention. Also an Array can be declared.
Data type
Designate a data type of each local variable to declare.
Initial value
Designate a value to be assigned when variable declaration. Designate constant.


Declare local variable with Static attribute.

With separator ",", you can declare multiple variables on a line.

Designate data type using the following identifiers.

Data type Identifier
Integer Type Integer
Single Precision Real Number Type Single
Double Precision Real Number Type Double
String Type String
Vector Type Vector
Position Type Position
Joint Type Joint
Homogeneous Translation Type Trans


Static attribute cannot be added to I/O type local variable.

As to string type local variable, its data size varies depending on with/without Static attribute.

Initial value will be assigned only when creating a declared variable. In the case of Static local variable, a default will be assigned at the time of compile, not at the task execution.


Static aaa As Integer = 30
Static bbb(5) As Position

Sub Main
	Static ccc As Position
	' Statements
End Sub

ID : 3788

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