ID : 3777
To create variant type array.
Array(value list)
Guaranteed Entry
- Value list
- Designate the value list separated by a comma (,). The designated value is stored as an array element. You can also designate a value of different data type.
Return Value
Return variant type array.
- To refer to an array element, place brackets following a variable name and designate an index number of the element in the brackets.
Index number is numbered sequentially starting from 0. In the following example, the third element "30" will be output.
Dim A As Variant
A = Array(10,20,30)
PrintDbg A(2) '30 is output
- If the index number is out of range, 8160800C error will occur at the execution.
- When you use a variable for a value of the value list, the value which is evaluated will be used at the program execution.
Related Terms
- You can define an array in the array. It is called Jagged array. To access a jagged array, you need to access indirectly through Variant variable like the following example.
Dim a As Variant
Dim b As Variant
a = Array( Array(0,1,2) , Array(3,4) ) ' Create jagged array
b = a(0) ' Acquire Array(0,1,2)
PrintDbg b(0), b(1), b(2) ' 0,1,2 are output
b = a(1) ' Acquire Array(3,4)
PrintDbg b(0), b(1) ' 3,4 are output
As an example below, accessing directly causes compile error in PacScript.
Dim a As Variant
a = Array( Array(0,1,2) , Array(3,4) ) ' Create jagged array
PrintDbg a(0)(0), a(0)(1), a(0)(2) 'Error
In the following example, corresponding list for colors and codes will be output.
Sub Main
Dim n As Integer
Dim vColor As Variant
vColor = Array( "RED", &H0000FF, "GREEN", &H00FF00, "BLUE", &HFF0000 )
For n=0 To Ubound(vColor)
PrintDbg vColor(n*2), Hex(vColor(n*2+1))
End Sub
ID : 3777