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ID : 3785



To load a Public local variable.


GetPublicValue receiving variable, task name, Public variable name[, dimension 1_Index
[, dimension 2_Index[, dimension n_Index]]]

Guaranteed Entry

Receiving variable
Designate a variable that the value of Public variable assigned to.
Task name
Designate a task name by string type data. Refer to "Program File and Task."
Public variable name
Designate a Public local variable to be loaded by string type data.
Dimension n_Index
Designate an Index number of each dimension by integer type data when a Public attribute variable you load is an array.


Load local variable with Public attribute.

You can also load array. In this case, Public local variable and receiving variable which is assigned to need to be identical on data type, dimension number and element number.


Argument for designating Public local variable, "task name" and "Public variable name" are designated by string type data.


'Program name Pro1
' Program which declares Public attribute variable
	Public pubVal As Integer = 5
	Public pubPos(5) As Position
'Program name Test1
Sub Main
	Dim aaa As Integer
	GetPublicValue aaa, "Pro1", "pubVal"	'Load Public variable "pubVal" of "Pro1"

	Dim bbb As Position
	GetPublicValue bbb, "Pro1", "pubPos", 2	
	'Load an element of Index number 2 of Public variable "pubPos" which is an array of "Pro1"

	Dim ccc(5) As Position
	GetPublicValue ccc, "Pro1", "pubPos"'Load Public variable "pubPos" which is an array of "Pro1"
End Sub

ID : 3785

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