ID : 3786
To declare a local variable with Public attribute.
Public variable name As data type[ = initial value][, variable name As data type[ = initial value]]
Guaranteed Entry
- Variable name
- Designate a variable name. Each name must be specified in accordance with the Naming convention. Also an Array can be declared.
- Data type
- Designate data type of the local variable for declaration.
- Initial value
- Designate a value to be assigned when variable declaration. Designate constant.
Declare local variable with Public attribute.
With separator ",", you can declare multiple variables on a line.
Designate data type using the following identifiers.
Related Terms
Declaration Statement, Local Variable, Static Attribute, Public Attribute, Dim
Public attribute cannot be added to I/O type local variable.
As to string type local variable, its data size varies depending on with/without Public attribute.
Initial value will be assigned only when creating a declared variable. In the case of Public local variable, a default will be assigned at the time of compile, not at the task execution.
Public aaa As Integer
Public bbb(10) As Position
Public ccc As Joint = J(10,10,10,10,10,10,0,0)
ID : 3786