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ID : 6857

Setting the Load Conditions

In the factory default, the robot is set so that it runs with the speed and acceleration under the maximum payload.
When the mass and the center of gravity of the payload (tool and work piece) on the robot flange part are confirmed, set such values as the payload conditions. If the payload center of gravity inertia has been confirmed, set the value as a payload condition as well.
Such load condition settings enable to set the optimal speed and acceleration according to the payload conditions.
By changing the mode of the optimal speed control function, you can move the robot with optimal speed and acceleration with taking the figure into consideration.

There are two ways to set the load conditions. One is by setting parameters and the other is by using commands.
To use parameters for load condition setting, use Virtual TP/Remote TP or WINCAPSIII. The load conditions set by parameters will remain active after the COBOTTA power-off.
To adjust the load conditions to the change of tool and work piece during operation, use commands for the load condition setting. The settings made by commands remain effective until the COBOTTA power-off.

Setting with Parameters

Load conditions are set from the [Config] window of Remote TP/Virtual TP, or [Parameter] window of WINCAPSIII. In either case, specify the following parameters.
For details about how to operate, refer to Displaying and Setting the Configuration of TP App guide, or Configuring Parameters of WINCAPSIII guide.

Number Display Unit: Initial value Description
1 Mass of payload g 0 The total mass of tool and a work piece
2 Payload center of gravity X mm 0 X-component of the center of gravity position of the tool-work piece combination payload
3 Payload center of gravity Y mm 0 Y-component of the center of gravity position of the tool-work piece combination payload
4 Payload center of gravity Z mm 0 Z-component of the center of gravity position of the tool-work piece combination payload
5 Payload moment of inertia Ix kgcm² 0 Inertia around X-axis of the center of gravity position of the tool-work piece combination payload
6 Payload moment of inertia Iy kgcm² 0 Inertia around Y-axis of the center of gravity position of the tool-work piece combination payload
7 Payload moment of inertia Iz kgcm² 0 Inertia around Z-axis of the center of gravity position of the tool-work piece combination payload
8 Control set of motion optimization - 3 0 : Disabled
1 : PTP
2 : CP
3 : PTP・CP
  1. Be sure to set a proper value for the payload condition according to the payload.
    If the value is incorrect, an error, such as over-current error, excessive deviation error, overload error could occur during operation Also, it could cause robot failure. Such error may make the robot braking distance longer at the robot stop input; it may lead to the collision with peripheral equipment
  2. Be sure to set the installation conditions of robot properly. If the value is incorrect, an error, such as over-current error, excessive deviation error, overload error could occur during operation Also, it could cause robot failure. Such error may make the robot braking distance longer at the robot stop input; it may lead to the collision with peripheral equipment

Setting with Commands

Use the following commands for setting.
For details, refer to the link destination page of each command in Programmer’s manual.

Command Function
Payload To change the setting value of internal load conditions.
SpeedMode To change the optimal speed setting function.

ID : 6857

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