ID : 3610
To change the optimal speed setting function.
SpeedMode mode number
Guaranteed Entry
- Mode number
- Designate a mode number of the Optimal Speed Control Function by integer type data.
Refer to "Optimal Speed Control Function" of Function Guide.
The optimal speed setting function is changed.
To execute this command, the task must acquire robot axis control.
Related Terms
Setting the Reduced Ratios of the Programmed Speed, Acceleration, and Deceleration, Motion Statements
When mode 1, 3 are specified on XR/ SC robots or MC8, mode 0, 2 will be set respectively.
'!TITLE "Setting of Optimal Speed Setting Function"
' Move in optimal speed setting function mode 1
Sub Sample_SpeedMode
Dim aaa As Joint
Dim bbb As Position
Dim ccc As Position
Dim ddd As Position
TakeArm Keep = 1
aaa = J( 0, 45, 90, 0, 45, 0 )
' Assign a value of aaa converted into position type data to bbb
bbb = J2P( aaa )
' Assign a value added P( 0, -30, 0, 0, 0, 0 ) to bbb to ccc
ccc = Dev( bbb, P( 0, -30, 0, 0, 0, 0 ) )
' Assign a value added P( 0, 65, 0, 0, 0, 0 ) to ddd to ddd
ddd = Dev( ccc, P( 0, 65, 0, 0, 0, 0 ) )
CpMode 0
' Set to optimal speed setting function mode 1
SpeedMode 1
' Set the external speed setting value to 100
ExtSpeed 100
' Move from the current position to the ccc coordinate position
Move P, @E ccc
' Move from current position to coordinate position of ddd at internal speed 100,
internal acceleration 100 and internal deceleration 100
Move L, @E ddd, Speed = 100, Accel = 100, Decel = 100
' Reset to initial status
CpMode 1
End Sub
ID : 3610