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ID : 3696



To change the setting value of internal load conditions.


Payload mass of payload[, payload center of gravity[, load inertia]]

Guaranteed Entry

Mass of payload
Specify the mass of payload by integer type data. The unit is g (gram).
Payload center of gravity
Designate payload center of gravity by vector type data (V(X,Y,Z)). This is an optional value. When this entry is omitted, the behavior of this command differs depending on the setting of the user parameter 220 "Payload command setting".
0: 0 vector (V(0,0,0)) is assigned.
1: Currently specified values remain.
Payload center of gravity inertia
Designate payload center of gravity inertia by vector type data (V(Ix,Iy,Iz)). This is an optional value. When this entry is omitted, the behavior of this command differs depending on the setting of the user parameter 220 "Payload command setting".
0: 0 vector (V(0,0,0)) is assigned.
1: Currently specified values remain.


Change the value of internal load condition.

To execute this statement, the task must acquire robot axis control.

Payload center of gravity is a position from the flange (mechanical interface). Unit of each component is mm.

Payload center of gravity inertia is the inertia around gravity center. The unit of each component is kgcm²."Refer to "About Calculation of Edge Load Inertia."

The setting value will be available until the COBOTTA is turned off. When the COBOTTA is rebooted, the value is returned to the default.




'!TITLE "Setting of Internal Load Condition"
' Set internal load condition and move with encoder value confirmation
Sub Sample_PayLoad 

  Dim aaa As Joint
  Dim bbb As Joint

  aaa = J( -170, 0, 90, 0, 0, 0 )
  bbb = J( 170, 0, 90, 0, 0, 0 )

  TakeArm Keep = 1

  ' Set mass of payload to 200g, and payload center of gravity at V(0,100,150)
  PayLoad 200, V( 0, 100, 150 )

  ' Set optimal speed setting function to Mode 1
  SpeedMode 1

  ' Set the external speed to 20
  ExtSpeed 20

  ' Set internal speed to 100
  Speed 100

  ' Move from current position to aaa
  Move P, @E aaa

  ' Set the external speed to 10
  ExtSpeed 10

  ' Move from current position to bbb
  Move P, @E bbb

End Sub

ID : 3696

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