ID : 6897
Check Box
Check box is a control to ask user to select ON/OFF.
This control is also used to offer multiple options.
Check Box Event
Event | Description |
Clicked | Button pressed |
Released | Button released |
Check Box Property
Property Name | Data Type | Description |
Name | String | Parts name PacScript cannot rewrite this property |
Type | Integer | Parts name PacScript cannot rewrite this property |
X | Integer | X coordinates of the upper left corner of the drawing region |
Y | Integer | Y coordinates of the upper left corner of the drawing region |
Width | Integer | Width of the control(pixel size) |
Height | Integer | Height of the control(pixel size) |
FG | Integer | Foreground color |
BG | Integer | Back color |
Group | Integer | Group number to which part belongs |
Active | Integer | Visible / Invisible and Enable / Disable settings active settings |
Style | Integer | Display style |
Caption | String | Display text |
FName | String | Font name The font with * is installed on the COBOTTA |
FSize | Integer | Font size |
Justify | Integer | Caption positioning
State | Integer | ON/OFF state |
ID : 6897