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ID : 250



To convert joint type data into position type data to return.


J2P(joint type data)

Guaranteed entry

Joint type data
Designate Joint Type data.

Return value

Return Position Type data.


Joint type data is converted into position type data and returned.

Calculation result reflecting current work coordinates (6th-Axis, 4th-Axis) and current tool coordinates (6-axis, 4-axis) is returned.

Related Terms

J2T, P2J, P2T, T2J, T2P


The argument joint type data is calculated even if it is out of the motion space. To see if it is within the motion space, use the OutRange function.


'!TITLE "Conversion from Joint Type to Position Type"
' Convert the current angle acquired in joint type into position type
Sub Sample_J2P

  Dim aaa As Joint
  Dim bbb As Position

  ' Acquisition of current angle
  aaa = CurJnt

  ' Conversion from joint type to position type
  bbb = J2P( aaa )

  ' Display the current angle converted into position type on the message output window
  PrintDbg bbb

End Sub

ID : 250

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