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ID : 1048

[RC3 Compatible Mode] Types and Functions of System Input Signals

The table below lists the system input signals to be used in compatible mode.

For information about system input signals common for all allocation modes, refer to [Common for all Allocation modes] Types and Functions of System Input Signals.

Application Signal name Function


Motor Power ON and Operation Preparation Start Turns the motor power ON.
CAL Execution and Operation Preparation Start This signal is for the compatible mode-use.
Switching CAL execution causes no effect on operations because all robots controlled by RC8 series do not require CAL.
SP100 and Operation Preparation Start Sets the speed to 100%.
Program Reset and Operation Preparation Start Initializes all programs on halt. Starting a program after initialization will execute the program from the beginning.
Program No. Select and Program Start Executes a specified program.
Program execution Program Reset, Program No. Select and Program Start Cancels the current program and starts executing a specified program from the beginning.


Step Stop Step-stops all programs by opening signals.
Instantaneous Stop Instantaneously stops all programs by opening signals.
Error clear Clear Robot Error and Operation Preparation Start Clears an error.
Program interrupt Interrupt Skip Interrupts the execution of the current step and starts the next step.
Continue start Continue Start and Program Start Executes continue start.
  • Two or more signal names listed in the signal name field indicate that they should be used in combination.
  • System output signals are checked every 8 ms.

ID : 1048

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