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ID : 1067



    > Configuring the I/O Allocation Mode Parameter

    > [Common for all Allocation modes] Types and Functions of System Output Signals

        > [Common for all allocation modes] Types and Functions of RC8A Controller System Output Signals

        > [Common for all Allocation modes] Types and Functions of RC8 Controller System Output Signals

        > Pendant Emergency Stop (output)

        > Deadman SW [Enable SW] (output)

        > Contactor Contact Monitor (output)

        > STO Monitor (output)

        > Auto Mode Mutual Monitoring (output)

    > [Common for all Allocation modes] Types and Functions of System Input Signals

        > External Emergency Stop (input)

        > Protective Stop(input)

        > Enable Auto(input)

    > [Mini I/O-dedicated mode] Types and Functions of System Output Signals

        > Robot Initialized (output)

        > Auto Mode (output)

        > Operation Preparation Completed (output)

        > Robot Running (output)

        > CPU Normal (output)

        > Robot Error (output)

        > Battery Warning (output)

        > Continue Start Permission (output): Selectable by I/O hardware setting

    > [Mini I/O-dedicated mode] Types and Functions of System Input Signals

        > Step Stop (All tasks) (input)

        > Command Execution I/O Signals

            > Outline of I/O Command Processing

            > Command and Data Areas

            > Strobe Signal (input)

            > Command Processing Completed (output)

        > List of I/O Commands

            > Operation Preparation (000)

            > Clear Robot Error (001)

            > Program Start (010)

            > Continue Start (011)

            > Specified Program Reset (100)

            > All Programs Reset (101)

    > Example of Using System I/O Signals

        > Outline of procedure

        > Start and stop procedure, and system I/O signals

    > [Standard Mode] Types and Functions of System Output Signals

        > Robot Initialization Complete (Output)

        > Auto Mode (Output)

        > External Mode (Output)

        > Servo ON (Output)

        > Robot-in-operation (Output)

        > Robot Error (Output)

        > Robot Warning (Output)

        > Dead Battery Warning (Output)

        > Continue Start Permitted (Output)

        > Output Signal During Program Stop Process

    > [Standard Mode] Types and Functions of System Input Signals

        > Step Stop (All Tasks) (Input)

        > Instantaneous Stop (All Tasks) (Input)

        > Interrupt Skip (Input)

        > Command Execution I/O Signals Dedicated to Standard Mode

            > General Information about Processing

            > Command and Data Areas

            > Strobe Signal (Input)

            > Command Processing Complete (Output)

            > Status Area

        > List of I/O Commands

            > Program Operation Command(0001)

            > External Speed and Acceleration Setting(0010)

            > Error Read(0100)

            > Type I Variable Write(0101)

            > Type I Variable Read(0110)

            > Mode Switching(0111)

            > Clear Robot Error (1000)

            > I/O Write(1001)

            > I/O Read(1010)

    > [RC3 Compatible Mode] Types and Functions of System Output Signals

        > Robot Power ON Complete

        > Auto Mode (Output)

        > Servo ON (Output)

        > CAL Complete (Output)

        > External Mode (Output)

        > Teaching (Output)

        > Program Start Reset (Output)

        > Robot-in-operation (Output)

        > Single-Cycle End (Output)

        > Robot Error (Output)

        > Robot Warning (Output)

        > Dead Battery Warning (Output)

        > Error No. (Output)

        > Continue Start Permitted (Output)

    > [RC3 Compatible Mode] Types and Functions of System Input Signals

        > Operation Preparation Start (Input)

        > Program No. Select (Input)

        > Program Start (Input)

        > Program Reset (Input)

        > Step Stop (All Tasks) (Input)

        > Instantaneous Stop (All Tasks) (Input)

        > Clear Robot Error (Input)

        > Interrupt Skip (Input)

        > Continue Start (Input)

    > Status Output with User Output Ports

        > Running Stop Processing

        > Robot controller startup completed

        > Robot Running(Position designation)

        > Robot Running(Encoder)

        > Change Battery

        > Motor OFF indicator

        > 32bit Error Code Output

ID : 1067

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