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ID : 1396

Auto Mode (output)


This signal tells the external device that the robot is in Auto mode.

Terminal number

#49 on Mini I/O connector


With this signal being ON, the OPERATION PREPARATION or PROGRAM START command must be executed.

ON condition

This signal will be turned ON when the robot controller enters Auto mode by turning the mode selector switch on the teach pendant or mini-pendant to AUTO with the Enable Auto input signal being ON.

OFF conditions

This signal will be turned OFF under the following conditions.

  1. The operation mode is switched to the Manual or Teach check mode by using the teach pendant or mini-pendant.
  2. The Enable Auto input signal is OFF. The Enable Auto input signal will not be turned OFF in the pendantless state described in the OPTIONS MANUAL

The Auto Mode output signal will not be turned OFF with INSTANTANEOUS STOP, STEP STOP or CYCLE STOP commands.

Timing chart


ID : 1396

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